Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring springs eternal

Hello to all of our faithful blog-followers out there!  You are both very appreciated.

When one comes to the point in life that he is writing his first blog, there is a tremendous sense of anticipation which is only overwhelmed by the sense of responsibility.  And honestly, I don't understand how people can have so much to broadcast to the world.  My consolation is that the world is not, in fact, listening.  I therefore write (blog) with impunity.

There are, of course, all sorts of things to write about.  And I usually do not have a hard time with finding words-- although quantity comes more freely than quality.

For a quick update, yesterday was the first day of spring -- even here in Colorado-- and we celebrated by taking a trip to the continental divide at Hoosier Pass.   It was beautiful even with snow storms inthe distance.   Amelia's mom and dad were with us, and we took turns carrying Josiah through the snow.  The snow, which I should point out could suddenly become waste deep when the top crust broke through.  It was quite a good time especially for Hank, who was celebrating his first day in the mountains as a eunich.  

We then drove back to Denver (all three members of the Wood family sacked out in the back seat).  We took the long way around over Loveland Pass to get a few more amazing views (this was before Amelia and I both passed out in the back seat.  

Then, last night, we went to the Buckhorn Exchange, the oldest restaurant in Denver.  Buffalo Bill and Sitting Bull were regular guests of this place back in the good ole days.   

And that is most of the news.  

The leaves are beginning to turn green, against all odds, and Denverites are emerging from their winter dens.  We spent much of the day today cleaning up our den, which had accumulated quite a bit of dust and clutter.  

And now we are sitting together in the living room, waiting for night to come.

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